Job Information
KidsPeace Childrens Hospital CPST SPECIALIST - CHILD & FAMILY TREATMENT in Williamsville, New York
The CPST Specialist provides Community Psychiatric Supports and Treatment (CPST) services to clients and their families. CPST services are goal-directed supports and solution-focused interventions intended to address challenges associated with a behavioral health need. CPST is a face to-face intervention with the child/youth (required), family/caregiver or other collateral supports. The CPST Specialist is qualified to provide three of the six services deliverable under this multi-component service. Specifically, the CPST specialist delivers rehabilitative psychoeducation, strength based service planning, and/or rehabilitative supports. Qualifications: Practitioners with a master’s degree level in social work, psychology, or in related human services plus one year of applicable experience OR who has been certified in an Evidenced Based Practice.
Practitioners with a bachelor’s degree with a minimum of two years of applicable experience in children’s mental health, addiction, and/or foster care/child welfare/juvenile justice OR who has been certified in an Evidenced Based Practice. These practitioners include: Registered Professional Nurses with one year of behavioral health experience, Licensed Occupational Therapists, and Licensed Creative Arts Therapists to the extent they are operating under the scope of their license.