Job Information

Johnson Controls, Inc.* HVAC Senior Controls Technician Wichita, Kansas

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What you will do

Undergeneralsupervision,conducts preventive maintenance, repair, installation, and commissioning and general servicing of systems (including detailed troubleshooting of systems). Responsible forhigh levelsof customer satisfaction through direct, on site, customerinterface.Mentorsmechanicaltechnicians on building automation activities. Properly completes required project and service documentation.

How you will do it

  • Diagnoses and repairs complex control systems malfunctions requiring extensive knowledge of a variety of electronic or digital controls systems and ability to test and write modifications in multiple languages of systems software

  • Providessketchesof field changes and discrepancies for engineering corrections and drawings

  • Communicateswithcustomeruponarrival and before leaving the work site. Ensureshigh levelsof customersatisfaction.

  • Meets regularlywithcustomertobecome familiar with operating problems.Keeps customer informed on the nature of service provided, outstanding issues and recommends system enhancements, upgrades, and orreplacement.

  • Promotes the sale of add-on work.

  • Manages assigned work to meet professional executionof time and customer satisfaction.

  • Reports problems or changes tomanagementimmediately.Interfaces with branch manager, service manager, service project manager, or subcontractors on projectsto coordinate activitiesasrequiredinan ethical andprofessionalmanner

  • Adheres to allJohnson Controlsand customer safetystandards.Providessafetyawarenesson worksites

  • Mayprovidetrainingtocustomers on electronic controlsystemsoperations.Deliversmanuals and documentation to the customer for training needsasrequired

  • Compiles job documentation, such as certificate of completion, customer training forms, training certificates and punch lists

  • Conducts extensiveselfstudy(reading,research,andpractice) to improveandmaintaintechnicalproficiencyincompany\'s product lines. Completes certifications as required by the company.

  • Other duties related to the commissioning and servicing of building controls and facilities management systems as assigned.