USNLX Ability Jobs

USNLX Ability Careers

Job Information

GW Kleber & Sons Nursery Inc. Farm Worker in Valencia, Pennsylvania

This is a Temporary Position. * Dates of employment are *03/31/2024 to 11/30/2024.  To apply to this Job Order: click on "I want to Apply". Print your resume, write the Job Order Number '19746156' on your resume, and fax or deliver your resume to PA CareerLink® Butler County / ATTN: Norman Magliocca  FAX: (724) 431-4016.  Be sure to reference the job posting number'19746156' *on your resume / application.  All resumes are reviewed and only those that match the job specifications are forwarded to the employer for consideration.

This job requires a minimum of 3 months of agricultural experience, preferably working in a nursery, handling both manual and mechanized tasks. Applicants must be able to furnish verbal or written statement establishing relevant prior work experience. Saturday work required. Must be able to lift/carry 60 lbs. Clean driving record required. Must have or be able to obtain driver's license within 30 days of hire.

Crops/Commodities: nursery stock including, but not limited to, trees, shrubs and confiers. Perform manual and mechanized tasks associated with the outdoor production of horticultural products. Plant, cultivate, and maintain nursery stock, trees, shrubs, bedding plants, plugs, liners, and other horticultural varieties. Prepare fields/soil for planting. Remove cull stock, debris, tree stumps, brush, ferns, vines and other growth from planting area using hand tools or mechanized equipment (rakes, shovels, hoes, tractors, mattocks, brush hooks and/or axes).. Plant/pot seedlings or 'liners' by hand or mechanical planter. Propagate plants from cuttings. Prepare trees for digging by tying or wrapping as necessary. Hand dig trees and other plants with shovel or tree spade. Install product grown by company within a 150 mile radius. Perform general plant maintenance. Irrigate and apply fertilizer or other chemicals. Train, prune, trim, shear, space, transplant and cull trees and/or plants to ensure availability of marketable products. Shear trees with proper taper and bud cut angle for quality. Tie/position trees and plants by tying or wrapping as necessary. Count, inventory, and grade trees. Select trees for cutting according to grade. Cut trees using axe or chainsaw. Drag cut trees from cutting area. Bale trees using tree baler. Wrap burlap or other covering around root balls and secure with twice and/or stapes. Pack, label, tag, pull, sort, and store plants by variety. Clean/maintain work area. Install/maintain irrigation systems and water lines. Move and install irrigation pipes and equipment. Dig and maintain ditches. Install and remove levee gates. Apply pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and other crop protectants. Apply fertilizers, plant growth chemicals, conditioners, and other plant related treatments at the correct times depending on plant type, growth, climate and crop conditions. Workers must operate all equipment properly and in a manner that protects operator, others, the employer's products and property. Failure to comply with safety requirements and operating instructions may result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination. Mow, cut, and weed fields. Perform ditching, shoveling, hoeing, hauling, ground preparation, and other manual tasks. Bending, stooping and kneeling required. Use hand tools including but not limited to hoes, shovels, shears, clippers, loppers, and saws. Lift, carry, and load/unload products or supplies. Assist with farm building/field maintenance and repairs. Repair fences. Must wear assigned personal protective equipment when required. Must report for work daily wearing work clothing and boots or other durable foot wear. Workers wearing clothing inappropriate for work will not be permitted to start work. Outdoor work required when plants are wet, or during light rain, snow, moderate winds, direct sun, high humidity and extreme temperatures. Temperatures in fields during working hours may vary. Workers may be req ired to work during occasional showers not severe enough to stop field operations. Allergies to ragweed, goldenrod, honey bees, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, or related chemicals may affect a worker's ability to perform the job. Work is done outdoors for long periods of time and requires prolonged periods of standing and/or walking, repetitive movements, and frequent bending and/or stooping. Workers must be able to handle, lift, and carry heavy or bulky objects (product, containers) in accordance with the specified lifting requirements. Clean driving record required. Must have or be able to obtain driver's license within 30 days following hire. Workers with appropriate licenses and a valid doctor's certificate may drive company pick-up trucks. Supervisor(s) will provide instructions and directions to workers. Workers must be able to comprehend and follow instructions and communicate effectively to supervisors.Unusual, complex or non-routine activities will be supervised. Workers expected to perform basic duties in a proficient manner without close supervision. Employer may request, but not require, workers to work more than the stated daily hours and/or on a worker's Sabbath or federal holidays. Worker must report to work at designated time and place each day. Daily or weekly work schedule may vary due to weather, sunlight, temperature, crop conditions, and other factors. Employer will notify workers of any change to start time. Workers will have an unpaid lunch break. TERMINATION. Prior to any termination for cause, employer evaluates workers' performance of required tasks and compliance with Work Rules and other employer policies. Employer may terminate a worker for cause if the worker's performance consistently and/or substantially fails to satisfy the employer's reasonable expectations (in accordance with the criteria set forth herein), or otherwise engages in serious or egregious misconduct that endangers health, safety, or property. In assessing whether workers' performance meets reasonable expectations, employer evaluates, among other reasonable criteria, whether the worker: (1) has adequately complied with the Work Rules and any other policies or procedures; (2) has complied with all health and safety guidelines, including the use of tools or equipment in accordance with best practices to protect the employer's property, crops, and in a manner that avoids injury or damage; (3) has treated company property (tools, equipment, crops, fixtures, etc.), with care and respect, avoiding damage or improper cleanliness or maintenance standards; (4) has timely and consistently followed instructions duly communicated by supervisors, crew leaders, and management personnel; (5) has complied with the employer's quality control standards for ensuring a marketable product; (6) is not repeatedly tardy or absent, has reported to work at the time and place instructed, and remained at work for the agreed-upon work hours, unless such absence was excused or the worker timely communicated and sought approval for any deviation from such schedule; (7) has consistently performed the duties assigned, in the manner instructed, and has not purposefully malingered or acted in a recalcitrant manner (i.e., refusing without cause to perform certain duties, refused to follow instructions, performed work in in a careless or reckless manner that poses a risk to the employer's crops/commodities, company property, or the health/safety of others, etc.). Non-U.S. workers may be displaced as a result of one or more U.S. workers becoming available for the job during the employer's recruitment period. Job abandonment will be deemed to occur after five consecutive workdays of unexcus
