USNLX Ability Jobs

USNLX Ability Careers

Job Information

SEK Interlocal #637 USD 235- Uniontown Jr./Sr. High School Inclusion/Resource Certified Teacher in Uniontown, Kansas

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The Special Education Teacher is an instructor of students with special needs and is responsible for the collaborative development of individualized education plans and services in the buildings assigned. Tocarry out these tasks, the Special Education Teacher must work closely with students, parents, general and special education staff, and general and special education administration.

Responsible To:

Director, Assistant Directors, Special Education Coordinators, and building Principal

General Responsibilities:

  • Observe, record, and report student behavior.
  • Assist students with remedial work.
  • Monitor student progress.
  • Use appropriate behavior management techniques to maintain a positive climate for learning.
  • Motivate students through effective communication and evaluative feedback.
  • Set high expectations for student achievement and behavior.
  • Demonstrate effective interpersonal relationships with others.
  • Escort/transport students to and from various school facilities and areas. (general education classroom, PE, lunchroom)
  • Provide daily feeding and/or mealtime supervision, toileting and hygiene care as needed.
  • Grade papers and record keeping.
  • Take attendance and record absences.
  • Prepare instructional materials and supplies for use.
  • Attend staffing and general staff meetings as requested.
  • Assist in the maintenance and inventory of materials.
  • Work effectively with students, other teachers, parents, community agencies, and other groups.
  • Assist in safeguarding confidential information. Observe confidentiality requirements.
  • Immediately report accidents, assaults, destruction of property, and abusive behavior to appropriate staff/administration.
  • Adhere to required program.
  • See that district and Interlocal policies are observed during all activities.
  • Keep abreast of new information, innovative ideas and techniques.
  • Adhere to all district and Interlocal health and safety policies, including all precautions of the Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Control Plan.
  • Respond in a positive manner to changes in assigned duties.