Job Information
Twin Falls County Administrative Specialist-Elections Clerk in Twin Falls, Idaho
This job was posted by : For more information, please see:
Twin Falls County
Administrative Specialist-Elections Clerk
\$17.15 Hourly
Twin Falls County, ID
Clerk / Auditor / Recorder
3/23/2025 10:00 PM Mountain
Position Information
Apply online at
Testing is required for this position. We must receive your test results by the posting deadline for you to be considered
for this position. Testing is conducted by the Idaho Department of Labor Magic Valley Office. Their hours are Monday
Friday from 8 a.m. 5 p.m. To receive the testing links; call 208-735-2500, email , or visit
the Department of Labor Magic Valley Office at420 Falls Avenue in Twin Falls.
Please note: If you took tests through the Department of Labor for a company other than Twin Falls County, your tests
scores are not automatically sent to us and you will need to mail, email, or fax them to our officebeforethe posting
deadline to be considered for this position.
Tests required: General typing, TF Clerk Data Checking, Contact Data Entry
Tests will be kept on file for six (6) months. When you retest, we will use your most recent test score for each position for
which you apply.
Job Description
Performsadministrativeand clericalduties and may be assigned asaspecialistin the services offered by the assigned
department. Employees in this class perform a wide range of office support functions using independent judgment in
applying existing policies and procedures to complete assignments. This involves knowledge of multiple procedures and
program guidelines to make decisions. Employees respond to non-routine inquiries and explain department services,
policies,proceduresand rationale for decisions to customers. Employees typicallyutilizea variety of computer operations
and/or specialized software to complete daily assignments.Theclassifications primary and diverse dutiesinclude
creating,reviewingand processing documents and records,identifyingand correcting errors and omissions on documents
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received from staff, and/or public, performing data entry,maintainingrecords, schedulingappointmentsand making travel
arrangements.Work is usually performed in or near a front counter oroffice where customers can easily be accommodated.
Duties / Responsibilities
ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES(illustrative only and may vary by assignment)
Answers incoming phone calls and greets walk-in customers, provides general information to the public, answers
questions and inquiries, and provides referrals to other departments or staff asneeded;
Compiles an inventory of election supplies and orders whenneeded;
Completes data entry of voter registration cards, absenteeballotrequestforms, and party affiliationchanges;
Opens absenteeballots;
Verifies signatures on petitions and candidatefilings;
Assistspublic,candidatesand political parties with public records requests forcampaigns;
Prepares campaignpackets;
Processes absentee requests forelections;
Recruits and trains poll workers; secures polling places andmaintainscontactlists;
Schedules poll worker training; schedule workcrews;
Marks ballot test decks; proofs ballots and tests computer portal and tabulatorequipment;
Maintains inventory of electronic poll books, printers andequipment;
Secures and checks polling places; delivers supplies asneeded;
Processespayrollclaim forms to pay el ection personnel and pollingsites;
Acceptsand/or reviewspaperwork/applications fromcustomers;
Compiles, copies, sortsand files/records of office activities, business transactions and otheractivities;
Providesclericaland support services to staff members as needed, including but not limited to, taking messages,
setting appointments, providing information,processingand preparing documents and correspondence, screening
and distributing mail,preparingand tracking mailings and legal