USNLX Ability Jobs

USNLX Ability Careers

Job Information

Sabino Fire, LLC Wildland Firefighter in Tucson, Arizona

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Do you enjoy hiking, camping, adventure, and travel?

Wildland firefighters protect homes, communities, and natural resources while working in extreme outdoor conditions around the country.

It\'s possibly one of the most rewarding careers you\'ll ever have.

Sabino Fire, LLC is a privately owned wildland firefighting company that provides firefighting services to the federal government through agreements with the United States Forest Service. We are available to respond to any national emergency throughout the country and are on call 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.

Minimum Training Requirements: S-130, S-190, L-180, IS-100, IS-700

If you do not have the minimum requirements as a Firefighter II (aka entry-level firefighter), don\'t worry! We offer training for free.

As a new employee at Sabino Fire, you will be required to attend entry-level training based on the national agency standard in wildland firefighting tactics, decision-making, and fire safety (known as S-130 and S-190 classes). You will also be required to pass an arduous work capacity test known as \"The Pack Test.\" This test consists of completing a 3-mile walk in 45 minutes or less while carrying a 45-pound pack. These classes and tests are free of charge. Once you pass, you\'re considered a qualified firefighter and you\'re ready to go out on your first wildland fire assignment.

Sabino Fire is a fire engine company. You will be deployed with two other firefighters consisting of one engine captain and another firefighter. Each assignment generally lasts a minimum of 14 days and can be extended. During your fire assignment, food, lodging, and travel are all paid for by the company.

Apply with us today to get started in a career in the fire industry!
