Job Information
SALT LAKE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Associate Dean, Division of Health Care Technologies in SALT LAKE CITY, Utah
Salt Lake Community College (SLCC) values and endorses strong and effective academic leadership. Associate Deans (ADs) are the foundation for strong and effective academic leadership. SLCC's Associate Deans are primarily responsible for shaping a division's success, growth, and future. They have a direct influence over the professional growth and development of individual faculty and students and their programs of study. Associate Deans serve as leaders for faculty in their teaching and service roles. Associate Deans are full-time administrators.
The work and effort of effective AD transcends routine management tasks. The AD must clarify, communicate, and implement the department's vision, mission, guiding principles, goals, and expectations. Acting as the primary spokesperson for assigned faculty and students, this position works with College administration, peer institutions, the community, and prospective students in the critical areas of curriculum development, recruitment, and retention. They must proactively facilitate professional teamwork among faculty members to achieve the desired vision and mission as the best skills, knowledge, and attitudes of faculty are implemented in a collective effort to achieve that end. This is an at will position.
1. 1. Provide leadership, support and supervision for department or division faculty and staff. 2. Coordinate department or division faculty and staff in endeavors to achieve the College's mission and strategic plan. 3. Help the department or division faculty to establish an appropriate vision and appropriate goals that have a clear tie to the College's mission, and coordinate efforts to achieve those goals. 4. Manage the departments or division in compliance with college procedures, guidelines and direction.
Academic Programs:
- Assist the Dean in developing new and modifying existing programs to promote student learning outcomes and program effectiveness. This may involve activities such as the following: collecting and utilizing survey data and student interest data; developing program grant proposals; developing program budgets and cost data; determining program impact; preparing and coordinating articulation agreements; implementing Concurrent Enrollment processes; coordinating transfer information; coordinating utilization of facilities; developing and implementing programs and policies.
- Initiate, plan, and oversee implementation of all academic offerings in the division or department, with appropriate involvement of assigned faculty and staff, the Dean, and College planning bodies. Wherever appropriate, utilize and report the advice of Program Advisory Committees (PACs) and provide staff support for PACs.
- Along with Deans, take a leading role in academic program quality and assessment of student learning outcomes. Serve on the school Curriculum Committee and Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee. Assist with comprehensive department and College wide evaluations for agencies such as the Board of Regents, the State Board of Career and Technical Education, program specific accrediting bodies, etc. and provide leadership for disciplinary and/or processional accreditation.
- Ensure inter-department/inter-division coordination and cooperation, communicating effectively with the dean, the depar tment members, and other members of the College community.
- Meet with division members on a regular basis to ensure motivation, coordination, communication, and dissemination of information.
- Ensure that the class schedule meets students' needs, while at the same time being fiscally responsible and efficient. Participate in College-wide scheduling processes in a timely manner, meeting all established deadlines. Coordinate with regional directors in scheduling classes at the College's various sites. When classes must be canceled, coordinate with affected students, the Schedulin Office, and facilities administrators.
- Support the exploration, scheduling, improvement, and use of learning modalities and delivery methods, including flexibly scheduled learning, distance learning, and classroom technologies.
- Ensure that the College catalog is accurate, well written, and current, and assist in the preparation of all relevant College documents, including the class schedule, brochures, etc.
- Maintain an inventory of current course syllabi and monitor the development of new and revised syllabi.
- Manage and verify operational processes and procedures such as teaching assignments, faculty loads, class and room schedules, class changes, etc.
Ensure that College personnel policy and procedure is appropriately applied to personnel matters within the department or division.
Coordinate and approve compensation within guidelines in the Faculty Handbook, Academic Freedom, Professional Responsibility, and other policies and procedures established by the College.
Utilize College policy and procedure to resolve faculty and staff grievances, concerns, and problems.
Coordinate and evaluate the professional activities of all members of their division or department, to include providing guidance to faculty regarding professional growth, evaluation, and tenure. Participate in the tenure process as described in policy. Assist the Office of Human Resources and Faculty Development Office in coordinating and facilitating necessary faculty records.
Consult with faculty members and the Dean regarding faculty recruitment, appointments, promotion, sabbatical leave, faculty retention, and other personnel matters, adhering to all appropriate policies and procedures.
Hire, orient, and train, supervise and (if needed) discipline adjunct instructors and coordinate with assigned faculty and other College offices in their administration. Help adjunct instructors to develop pedagogic skills and collegiality within the department.
In collaboration with the Dean and Provost, verify and manage the assignment of the full-time faculty teaching assignments in compliance with established procedures and directives.
Provide for the management and supervision of assigned support staff and facilitate support for faculty teaching and service activities.
Appoint appropriate task forces and work groups within the department or division.
Schedule and coordinate work-study students, lab coordinators, readers, graders, and aides where applicable.
Assist human resources and faculty development in coordinating and facilitating necessary faculty records, such as tenure, evaluations, etc.
Coordinate faculty and staff development with pertinent College personnel. Coordinate job and cooperative-education placement.
- Serve as liaison for the division, especially for students. This requires that the AD's office be covered, such that students and staff will find the AD's office attended and open for business during regular business hours.
- Coordinate with Student Services and division members to provide appropriate advisement and consultation for students in department and division programs.
- Coordinate with Student Services and faculty members to recruit students to division programs.
- Participate in admission processes and help adjudicate student grievances as described in the Code of Student Conduct and serve as a liaison for students and adjunct faculty members.
- Promote successful student transfer and/or job placement and/or cooperative education placement.
- Coordinate with Student Services in the administration of financial aid and scholarships.
- Monitor division inventory, supplies, and capital equipment.
- Monitor, prepare and maintain division budgets.
- Coordinate the informed bu