USNLX Ability Jobs

USNLX Ability Careers

Job Information

X Energy LLC Plant Cybersecurity Engineer in Rockville, Maryland

X-energy LLC conducts a thorough recruiting process and will never issue offers without interview to discuss qualifications and responsibilities. All applications will be submitted via our company career page, We will never ask you to provide payment information as part of the recruiting process. If anyone claiming to represent X-energy directs you in a manner otherwise, please contact us at

Job Description

X-energy is looking for experienced professionals to join our Cyber Security team in the role of Plant Cyber Security Engineer. This position leads the development and execution of cyber security engineering strategies and activities in support of plant design and engineering teams. This role integrates the cyber security philosophy into the design of plant information and operational technology systems and is responsible for implementation and assessment of cyber security systems, supports the cyber security assessments of Xe-100 systems, and recommends solutions to cyber security issues.

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