USNLX Ability Jobs

USNLX Ability Careers

Job Information

CITY OF NEWTON Utility Location Technician in Newton, North Carolina

Primary Reason Why Classification Exists

To perform routine skilled and semi-skilled technical work locating, documenting, and mapping municipal infrastructure such as electrical distribution lines, sewer lines, storm water lines, and water lines.

Distinguishing Features of the Class

An employee in this class performs field inspections to precisely locate city-owned underground utilities. The employee walks various locations and locates required items for contractors, developers, or other utility companies. Work may include, but is not limited to lifting manhole covers, opening ground electrical transformers, marking, flagging, and recording inaccuracies on various city maps. Under general supervision, the employee receives all requests for utility location services that are received by the City via computerized, web-based ticket management software, e-mail and printouts, and is responsible for completing all valid utility location requests within deadlines specified in the Underground Utility Safety and Damage Prevention Act statutes. Work requires considerable public contact. Independent judgment must be exercised in order to perform any and all work tasks and to comply with any work schedules or contracts. Work is performed under the general direction of the Assistant Public Works and Utilities Director and is reviewed through conversation, observation, analysis of reports, and work performed.

Illustrative Examples of Work

  • Retrieves daily utility location requests from web-based ticket management software and closes-out requests upon completion of work
  • Uses electronic and/or paper utility maps, engineering plans, record drawings, and other drawings to assist in determining the actual location of city-owned underground utilities
  • Visits actual sites and uses maps, plans, electronic pipe locating equipment, shovels, probing rods, and measuring instruments to field-verify the location of city-owned underground utilities, and marks their locations using color-coated flags and/or paint
  • Marks locations of city-owned underground utilities within public rights-of-way and easements
  • Edits and reviews maps to help the appropriate departments maintain city utility maps; makes notations, changes, diagrams, and sketches to help update and maintain map database
  • Performs GPS data field collection measurements; prepares notes and sketches in both electronic and hand-written format of utilities that are shown incorrectly on maps and drawings; conveys this information to technical staff that make the appropriate changes
  • Maintains a good working relationship with the general public, contractors, One Call, and city departments
  • Utilizes, maintains, and protects city vehicle, portable computer, locating equipment, and other tools related to the job
  • Responds to emergency call-backs
  • Performs related work as assigned.