USNLX Ability Jobs

USNLX Ability Careers

Job Information

Risewell Community Services Rehabilitative Associate in New York City, New York


Provide supportive counseling, restorative services, and crisis intervention to people with psychiatric disabilities in a transitional licensed residential program.


A. Meet with an assigned caseload of residents to work towards the accomplishment of goals identified in service plans at least weekly.

B. Completion of documentation for each face-to-face meeting in the EHR within 48 hours of occurrence.

C. Provide on-going supportive counseling, appropriate behavioral intervention and restorative services to residents as needed.

D. Provide linkage to other services (both internal and external) services as assessed to be needed.

E. Assist residents in procuring financial entitlements.

F. Facilitate or co-facilitate groups with residents on a weekly basis.

G. Coordinate with collateral contacts and outside providers (psychiatric treatment team collateral contact is required once per month and medical provider is required quarterly if deemed appropriate and/or identified support persons and document such collaboration in EHR within 48 hours of the contact.

H. Provide hands-on assistance to residents to ensure that living spaces are kept clean and free of hazards as needed.

I. Monitor medication and assist with packing of medications with residents as per service plan.

J. Provide transportation for residents and assist with travel training as needed.

K. Actively participate in weekly staff meetings and monthly high risk meetings.

L. Complete all required trainings monthly as per the agency-wide training schedule.

M. Participate in supervision a minimum of twice per month.

N. Alert supervisor to maintenance or safety issues as they arise.

O. Management of crisis situations under the direction of the program supervisor and document incidents as per agency policies/procedures.

P. Comply with agency Compliance Plan and False Claims Policy by preventing, detecting and reporting any potential healthcare abuse and fraud. Report any potential non-compliance and comply with all other federal, state and local regulations applicable to this job description.

Q. Utilize all agency-based IT applications in a proficient manner including collaborative documentation, review of emails at least twice per shift (at start and prior to close of the shift), as well as utilizing Outlook Calendar on a daily basis.

R. Remain current on changing developments in individual field of expertise and licensing credentials (if applicable).

S. Perform all other job duties as assigned.
