Job Information
C & J Waste Handling, LLC Agricultural Equipment Operator in Lafayette, Minnesota
Need 8 full time, temporary, seasonal Agricultural Equipment Operators to work in Nicollet and Le Sueur Counties. From: 03/15/2025 - 12/15/2025. Work: 54 hrs./week, Mon.-Sat. 9 hrs./day In Minnesota, hours worked in excess of 48 hours in a work week will be paid at the rate of time and a half. Effective Jan 1, 2024, per MN State Statute, an employee will earn one hour of paid sick and safe time for every 30 hours worked, up to at least 48 hours of accrued Earned Sick and Safe Time (ESST) per year, provided the employee works a minimum of 80 hours in a calendar year. Employer may reward exceptional work with monetary or other benefits in addition to those listed here in his sole discretion. Must Apply By: 07/31/2025 JOB DUTIES: Commercial Manure Applicator: Injecting Liquid Dairy Manure through an Umbilical Cord System. Drive/operate farm equipment such as tractors, pickups and trailers, and ATV's. Duties required: Running agitations equipment within the lagoons from the berm: Use Stick Agitators along with Nuhn boat agitators. Help unroll and roll hose in and out of fields off of Puck Hose Carts, Drive Tractor to hose hump, which is moving hose within the field. Drive ATV's in and out of fields checking hose and Booster Pumps. Washing equipment during and after season as needed. Workers will also assist in the harvest of corn silage by assisting in the operation of custom class harvesting machines. Workers will also assist with loading and unloading necessary equipment and routine cleaning to prepare all equipment for future work. JOB REQUIREMENTS: (3) Months experience; must be able to lift 60 lbs.; obtain class D driver's license within 30 days; Post hire drug screen at employer's expense; no minimum education requirement. Exposure to extreme temperatures, extensive sitting, pushing and pulling are required. EMPLOYER ASSURANCES: Work guaranteed for 3/4 of contract period, starting with date of arrival at work site. Employer provides free housing for workers whose residence is beyond normal commuting distance; employer pays inbound transportation and subsistence to work site upon 50% completion of work contract for workers whose residence is beyond normal commuting distance. Daily subsistence will be provided at a rate of at least $15.88 per day during travel to a maximum of $59.00 per day with receipts. APPLICATION PROCESS: Mail or Fax resume to: MN DEED/FLC, Attn: H-2A#25-265, JO#14522313 Great Northern Building-12th Floor, 180 E Fifth St St. Paul, MN 55101-1678 FAX: 651-297-7722 Attn: H-2A#25-265, JO#14522313 CALL: Mary Garcia, FLC Coordinator 651-259-7513 Must have proof of legal authority to work in U.S.