Job Information
SAM HOUSTON STATE UNIVERSITY Clinical Assistant/Associate Professor of Nursing - 2 Positions to be Filled in HUNTSVILLE, Texas
[Department:[ Nursing [Full-Time Non-Tenure Track [Open until filled: Yes [Requisition number: 202400024F
**[Usual duties: [The duties and responsibilities of this position include teaching across the curriculum in both classroom and clinical setting; advising and mentoring students; performing professional and community service and outreach; and contributing to ongoing program evaluation and improvement
**[Degree Requirements: [Earned Masters or Doctorate in nursing from an accredited institution. [Must hold an active, or be eligible for, an unencumbered Texas APRN license
**[Experience Requirements: [Evidence of and/or ability to teach in University/College institutions. [Demonstrated involvement in professional service. [Demonstrated effective interpersonal skills and collegiality.
**[Other Requirements for the Position: [Prior experience supporting nursing student learning in early-stage clinical, simulation, and skills lab environments.
[Prior experience coordinating clinical experiences for nursing courses
[Prior practice experience in medical-surgical environments and/or critical care environments as an RN and/or APN
[Use of technology in instruction and experience with distance/online education, scholarship, and/or practice, preferred.
[Recent or current clinical practice experience preferred.
[Sam Houston State University is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and Smoke/Drug-Free Workplace. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, creed, ancestry, marital status, citizenship, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, veteran status, disability status, sexual orientation, pregnancy, or gender identity or expression. Sam Houston State University is an at will employer. Employees with a contract will have additional terms and conditions. Security sensitive positions at SHSU require background checks in accordance with Education Code 51.215.
[Physical Address: [Human Resources Department [1831 University Ave, John W. Thomason Bldg. Suite 202 [P.O. Box 2356 [Huntsville, TX 77341-2356 [SHSU Employment Office: (936) 294-1070 [Email: Empl ]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}]{courier="" new""=""}