Job Information
Andrew Gryskiewicz Farms Agricultural Equipment Operators Greenbush, Minnesota
Need 3 full time, temporary, seasonal Ag. Equipment Operator to work in Greenbush, MN from: 04/01/2025 to 11/10/2025 Work: 48hrs./week, Mon.-Sat. 8 hrs./day. 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Hours worked in excess of 48 hours in a work week will be paid at 1.5 times the regular rate of pay. Must apply by 7/22/2025 Job Duties: Assist with daily farm functions including but not limited to the following: Operate various farm equipment (combines, tractors, trucks, etc.) for planting, spraying, cultivating, fertilizing, and harvesting of crops. Load/unload trucks. May involve climbing ladders, grain bins etc. Maintain/repair machinery, i.e. change fluids in equipment, rotate tires, clean grain bins, wash vehicles, change brakes, check tire pressure, general maintenance, etc. Ground maintenance on farm and/or housing, i.e. weed eating, mowing. Maintain/clean shop area. Other miscellaneous duties assigned. This job involves manual labor, lifting, carrying, bending, and long days in the heat and cold. Rain days are typically spent in the shop repairing equipment and preparing for the next days work. Must communicate in English, follow instructions, and be physically capable of performing all job duties. Crops: wheat, canola, soybeans, alfalfa, hay, ryegrass Effective Jan 1, 2024, per MN State Statute, an employee will earn one hour of paid sick and safe time for every 30 hours worked, up to at least 48 hours of accrued Earned Sick and Safe Time (ESST) per year, provided the employee works a minimum of 80 hours in a calendar year. EMPLOYER ASSURANCES: Work guaranteed for 3/4 of contract period, starting with date of arrival at work site. Employer provides free housing for workers whose residence is beyond normal commuting distance. Employer pays inbound transportation and subsistence to work site upon 50% completion of work contract for workers whose residence is beyond normal commuting distance. Daily subsistence will be provided at a rate of at least $15.88 per day during travel to a maximum of $59.00 per day with receipts. Required work-related tools and supplies provided free of charge by employer. How to Apply: Send resume listing experience to: MN DEED/FLC, Attn: H2A#25-352, JO#14522415 Great Northern Bldg., 12th Fl., 180 E. 5th St. St. Paul, MN 55101-1678 FAX: 651-297-7722 CALL: Mary Garcia, FLC Supervisor, 651-259-7513 Must have proof of legal authority to work in U.S.