Job Information
JACK GANT FARMS Farm Worker/JACK GANT FARMS in Elkton`, Kentucky
JOB DOES NOT START UNTIL4/6/25APPLICANT SHOULD RECEIVE A COPY OF THE JOB DESCRIPTION AND JOB REFERRAL BEFORE CALLING EMPLOYER CONTACT.All workers should be physically able to meet and perform the work outlined in the contract for the entire period of time from 4/6/25 to 12/1/25Description:The employer will furnish, without charge, all tools, supplies, and equipment required in the performance of the specified work. Workers will be charged for any willful damage or loss of such tools and equipment.Greenhouse:Workers may seed plant trays.Workers may clean and wash plant trays.Workers may apply water and fertilizers to plants in trays.Workers may clip and mow plants.Workers may load plant trays onto trucks and wagons.Setting Tobacco:Workers may ride setting machine to plant tobacco.Workers may plant by hand.Workers may load plant trays onto equipment for setting.Workers may stack and remove trays from fields.Workers may prepare fields for planting.Workers may reset missing plants by hand.Top/Oil Tobacco.Workers may pull suckers from plants.Workers may break tops & bad leaves from plants.Workers may apply oils to tops of plants.Cutting Tobacco:Workers will cut ripe plants off at the ground using tobacco knife and spear stalk over metal spear on to a wooden stick (stick is 48? long, one end is stuck in the ground and metal spear is placed on other end).Workers will drop sticks in standing tobacco, before cutting, by hand or by machine.Workers will transfer loaded sticks from ground to wagon or trailer in an orderly fashion. Industry standard is six (6) plants per stick. (Stick and plants may weigh up to 80 pounds)Housing Tobacco:Workers will transfer loaded stick from wagon or trailer to other workers standing on rails in the tobacco barn. Workers standing on rails will either hang sticks between rails and separate plants or transfer to another worker standing on the rails above them (rails may be 48? apart and from 6 feet to 40 feet above ground). Stripping Tobacco:Workers may place wood & sawdust in barns for curing process.Workers will remove tobacco from rails in the barn and transport tobacco to stripping room.Workers will pull leaves from plant stalks by hand and place in bailing machine.Workers will operate bailing machine and may be asked to separate leaves into two (2) or more quality grades of tobacco prior to bailing.Diversified crops: corn, beans, wheat, hay & strawWorkers may fill planters with seed from 50lb. Bags.Workers may operate equipment to prepare fields.Workers may spray crops for weeds and grass.Workers may apply water and fertilizers.Workers may restock trucks and equipment with seed bags.Workers may use equipment to prepare fields for planting.Workers may load and unload harvested crops for shipping and storageWages are paid weekly. The employer guarantees to offer a least 3/4 of the hours listed in the contract. Worker's compensation insurance will be provided.The employer must provide free housing and three meals a day or furnish free convenient cooking kitchen facilities to all workers who are not reasonably able to return to their residence the same day. If the employer elects to provide meals, a maximum of $15.88 per day may be charged to the employee. The employer will provide the necessary tools, supplies and equipment at no cost to the worker.Workers should be able to bend, stoop and able to stand on feet for long periods of time. Workers should be able to lift from 20 to 75 pounds.Must have 3 months variable experience.Workers may be asked to submit to random drug testing.630145