USNLX Ability Jobs

USNLX Ability Careers

Job Information

Malone University Facilities and Maintenance Manager OMJST in Canton, Ohio


Job Title: Facilities and Maintenance Manager - OMJST


Worksite Location: 2600 Cleveland Ave. NW, Canton, OH 44709


Number of Openings: 1


How to Apply:


[]{#_Hlk150413487}APPLY DIRECT to Malone University using the following information:

  1. Send a cover letter, faith statement and resume with three references to
  2. Fill out the Employment Application at:{rel="nofollow"}

  • [The Employment Application is a fillable PDF. Please complete the application, print and sign (no electronic signatures accepted), then send to]{times="" new="" roman";="" font-weight:="" bold"=""}[ ]{times="" new="" roman";="" font-weight:="" bold"=""}[]{times="" new="" roman";="" font-weight:="" bold;="" text-decoration:="" underline;="" color:="" rgba(0,="" 0,="" 255,="" 1)"=""}

Please mention OhioMeansJobs Stark or Tuscarawas when applying to this employer.


Job Description: Malone University in Canton, OH, is hiring a full-time Facilities and Maintenance Manager.



Under the direction of the Facilities Director, the Facilities and Maintenance Manager manages the day-to-day operations of building maintenance activities for facilities in the assigned area. Oversees daily management of building systems, mechanical, electrical, energy management and fire/life safety functional areas. Facilities Manager will also oversee the housekeeping and the grounds and service department
