USNLX Ability Jobs

USNLX Ability Careers

Job Information

Seed School of Maryland Evening Student Life Counselor in Baltimore, Maryland


The Life Skills Counselor serves as the creator, planner, and implementer of the Student Life Program both in and outside of the residence halls. This position is responsible for teaching the HALLS Curriculum, discipline of students, and implementing life skills programming. This position also serves as the principal caregiver for the students and supervises the resident assistants in the afternoon and evening hours. Student Life Counselors are also responsible for developing and maintaining necessary residence hall programs.

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Nurturing, Educating, and Engaging Students/Staff (70%) ? Demonstrates ability to nurture each student entrusted to their care consistent with the Student Life Training and Certification Program by: establishing trust, advocating for students' best interest, mentoring students, developing strong, mutually respectful relationships, providing consistent emotional support through praise, affection, empathy, and recognizing student achievement, advising students through personal problems, listening to students' thoughts, feelings, concerns, and problems, helping students in developing relationships, maintaining students' dignity and self-esteem, providing opportunities for students to develop personal maturity through developmentally appropriate freedoms and responsibilities, maintaining confidentiality of sensitive materials, and supporting students by attending as many functions that involve their students as practical.

? Fosters relationships between students and their families of origin by: orienting students and families to the residence hall upon enrollment and providing counseling regarding possible separation issues, providing opportunities for and promoting interaction with siblings, participating in parent conferences, when necessary, communicating with the family of origin regarding students progress, accomplishments, growth areas, and concerns about the student consulting with the family of origin, when appropriate, and involving them in decision- making concerning the students care. ? Protects the rights and dignity of individual students by: making decisions based on the best interest of students, supporting the ethical treatment of all students, serving as a direct link to students in cases of student's rights violations, and promoting problem solving and relationship development between students.

? Attends to students health care needs by: recognizing students health needs and referring to medical services when appropriate, and maintaining accurate student health care records.

? Attends to students mental health needs by: reporting signs of student abuse, depression, and suicide ideation to mental health services, maintaining students dignity and self -esteem, recognizing and supporting students in bereavement/separation issues, and listening actively to students thoughts, feelings, concerns, and problems and counseling when appropriate

? Attends to the moral, and character development of students by: teaching and modeling values related to sound moral and character development, and teaching and role-modeling appropriate choices in movies, music, and television programs.

? Manages and evaluates the students' individualized goal attainment as part of the implementation of the HALLS standards and benchmarks system by: stressing the importance of setting goals, evaluating progress, developing a strong work ethic, following through and remaining committed, collaborating with others to decide how best to help each child reach the HALLS Standards and Benchmarks, and participating in overall assessment of students. ? Teaches social, self-help, life-long learning, and basic life skills through implementation of the HALLS curriculum: teaching developmentally appropriate responsibility for self and others, teaching developmentally appropriate decision-making and critical thinking strategies, provi ing a supportive and flexible structure from which students learn responsibility, problem solving, and time management, providing opportunities for students to practice/demonstrate learned skills including manners, conflict resolution, cooperation and teamwork, teaching students to develop a positive peer culture through helping relationships, facilitating students development of individual, house and residence hall goals and objectives, teaching students developmentally appropriate leadership and communication skills, and encouraging individuality and creative thinking from students. ? Facilitates student academic achievement by: providing a structured learning environment and assisting with homework, when necessary, integrate literacy strategies through the HALLS curriculum teaching and modeling appropriate study skills, assessing students school grades and performance and implementing additional learning support, when necessary, communicating with teachers on a regular basis, and counseling and preparing students for college education.

? Attends to students personal safety by: being aware of student location, being aware of and attentive to warning signs of emotional distress, and supporting overall campus supervision. ? Facilitates student leisure and recreational activities by: teaching students to make leisure activity choices, planning and leading students on educational and/or recreational trips and/or activities, facilitating house activities, participating in residence hall activities, and encouraging and supporting students' involvement in SEED community activities.

? Teaches students healthy lifestyles by: teaching and coaching students personal hygiene, demonstrating and involving students in regular physical activity, educating and counseling students on dating relationships, human sexuality, and drug and alcohol issues, and making referrals to appropriate student support services when necessary.

? Teaches students to exhibit behaviors and values deemed appropriate for a member of the SEED community through: displaying appropriate role modeling, maintaining personal self-control, respecting and appreciating diversity, and modeling positive relationships. ? Establishes and maintains a developmentally appropriate behavior management system by: managing student behavior in the house, residence hall, SEED community, and public, collaborating with students in developing house rules and
