Job Information
UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN Business Development Specialist, Physical Sciences in AUSTIN, Texas
Cultivatingnewrelationshipsand fosteringexistingrelationshipswithindustrytoidentify partnering opportunities for intellectual property available for licensing, and toexpand UT Austins corporate sponsored research portfolio.Engaginginventorsaskeycontributorsforidentifyingleadsandkeepinginventorsawareof commercialization efforts.Providing guidance to personnel responsible for generating marketing materials for intellectual property that is available for partnering and UT Austins research domains of interest to industry partners.Collaborating with counterpartsin Intellectual Property toholistically evaluate the appropriate commercialization pathwayforintellectual property vialicensing or corporatesponsored research.Soliciting insight from corporate partners to provide the specific industry perspective to help justify potential patent filings.Collaborating with counterparts in: Licensing and Collaborative Research on term sheet development to ensure perspective of the targeted licensee company and identified market forces are appropriately considered; BusinessDevelopmenttoprovideperspectiveofpotential licensee, raiseawarenessof relevantmarketforces, andsuggestopportunitiesformosteffective andvaluabledeal terms all the while maintaining a united front to the potential licensee; Licensingtoencourageinputfromtheindustryperspectiveandtakeinto consideration in negotiating agreement terms, all the while maintaining a united front to the potential licensee; Some term sheet negotiations will be led by the Licensing Specialist, others by the Business DevelopmentSpecialist,as mutuallydeterminedbasedontheexternalrelationship and workload. Ineithercase,real-timecollaborationbetweenBusiness DevelopmentandLicensing/Collaborative Researchwillbe maintained.Coordinating contact across the organization with the Austin Technology Incubator and Texas Innovation Center to build and maintain organizational credibility.Supporting the Director of Business Development with strategic initiatives like the Front Door website for UT Austin industry engagement and programmatic approaches to connecting UT Austin researchers to potential industry sponsors.